The Timothy Mooney Repertory Theater Company presents a wide range of one-man shows, from the classics to thought-provoking modern plays. A favorite at festivals, Mooney also presents at colleges, high schools, and community venues.
Teachers love the Breakneck Shakespeare and Molière Than Thou scripts and companion books. Not only are these excellent works for community and school groups to perform, they also help the classic plays make sense for the first time for many viewers and readers. Mooney will also bring plays and workshops to schools, including colleges and universities.
Special discounts are available for multiple performances in one engagement, and when you add a workshop to a performance. Contact us for the details!
Breakneck Shakespeare
- Breakneck Comedy of Errors
- Breakneck Hamlet
- Breakneck Julius Caesar
- Breakneck Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Breakneck Romeo and Juliet
- Breakneck Twelfth Night
- Lot o’ Shakespeare
- Shakespeare’s Histories
Molière Than Thou
Other Shows
Visit the Timothy Mooney Rep YouTube channel to see what we have to offer, and get in touch using our simple form to bring all this excitement to your venue.